Nemanja Miljković

Software Engineer



Solutions Architect - I focus on launching new projects, setting coding standards for my team, and estimating project timelines. I actively contribute to development, mentor colleagues, and conduct knowledge transfer workshops. My responsibilities center on guiding the technical direction and ensuring the success of our projects.

Jun 2023 - Present

Software Engineer - I developed versatile solutions, including internal projects like a desk booking system and an AI playground. Externally, I supported Kindred teams in launching important features for the New Jersey market, such as deposit and regulatory limits. Additionally, I contributed as a Data Engineer for the Quant team on the newly developing Kindred Sportsbook Platform.

Java, Spring Boot, React, TypeScript, PostgreSQL, Terraform, Kubernetes

Jul 2021 - Present


Technical Lead - As part of the Accounts & Payments team, my role involves providing essential services for businesses to manage their financial transactions seamlessly. We enable companies to initiate and receive payments, view transaction histories, and manage multiple bank accounts efficiently. Additionally, we offer specialized services like SEPA Direct Debit withdrawals for customer transactions. I also contribute to the Architecture Board, focusing on the continuous technical advancement of our platform, ensuring it remains innovative and efficient.

Node.js, React, Redux, TypeScript, PostgreSQL, NATS, Terraform, Kubernetes

Sep 2019 - Jun 2021


Software Engineer - Worked with Kindred's Feeds and Acquisition Marketing team, contributing to diverse services aiding affiliates in attracting customers, including the Kindred Developer Portal, link tracking, and marketing email management.

Nov 2018 - Sep 2019

Seven Bridges

Technical Lead - Focused on the technical superiority of Seven Bridges' platform, participating in architecture, leading projects, ensuring code quality, and mentoring junior engineers and interns.

Jul 2017 - Aug 2018

Seven Bridges

Software Engineer - Engaged in the core platform team, managing a range of services like user/session management, billing, permissions, notifications, and workflow automation.

Feb 2016 - Aug 2018

+ 3 positions

For details on my earlier roles at Nordeus, Byteout Software, and Devana Technologies, please visit my LinkedIn profile where I have comprehensive information on these experiences.


School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade

Bachelor's Degree - Computer Engineering

picoComputer Web IDE

picoComputer is a computer architecture designed to aid teaching of assembly languages. picoComputer Web IDE allows running assembly and step by step debugging and was my Bachelor's thesis.

Aug 2018

As a speaker

Building a guitar amplifier with the WebAudio API

Presented how to create a guitar amplifier using JavaScript and WebAudio API, including a live guitar demo.

Heapcon - Sept 2019

JSBelgrade - Aug 2017

Building an Excel-like formula interpreter using ANTLR

HeapSpace - Demonstrated creating an Excel-like formula interpreter in Java using ANTLR.

Aug 2018

Texas Holdem Workshop

Brand New Engineers - Conducted a live coding session on creating a Texas Holdem bot for the Brand New Engineers hackathon.

Oct 2015

Blackjack bot in Java

Brand New Engineers - Created a Blackjack server and taught TCP basics through developing a Blackjack bot in Java.

Oct 2015


Convex Hull Solver

An interactive tool using Graham Scan and Monotone Chain algorithms for solving convex hull problems.

Nov 2016

NQueens Interactive Solver

A platform to solve the NQueens problem with three different algorithms, visualizing solutions step-by-step.

Nov 2015

Minimax Interactive Solver

A demonstration of the minimax algorithm with Alpha-Beta pruning, showcasing each step interactively.

May 2014


  • Programming Languages: Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Go
  • Backend Technologies: Spring Boot, Hibernate
  • Frontend: React, React Query, Redux, MUI
  • Databases: PostgreSQL, Redis
  • Tools: OpenAPI, Terraform, Kubernetes, Docker, Git